Heute Mittag kam eine E-Mail (ohne Absender) vom EPA, in der eine Umfrage zur EEP Vorprüfung 2012 (unser Erfahrungsbericht hier im Blog) verlinkt war. Ich dachte, ich mach schnell mal ein paar Screenshots für alle Interessierten.
Dear ***,
You have just taken part in the European qualifying examination (EQE) 2012.
In order to improve the EQE, we would very much appreciate your opinion on a number of topics. Therefore, we have compiled a survey to help us better understand a number of EQE issues as well as the situation of candidates. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to complete the questionnaire. Please rest assured that the information you provide will be processed anonymously.
Did you, for whatever reason, not participate in the EQE 2012, please disregard this email.
Please use your EQE registration number to open the questionnaire: ***
Please find hereby the link to the questionnaire:
All answers received by 18 April 2012 will be used in the evaluation.
Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation,
The Examination Secretariat
Finde das ja schon lustig, dass man am Anfang der Umfrage nach seiner Registrationsnummer aus der E-Mail gefragt wird:
Please give your EQE registration *
This information will not be used to correlate your name with your answers but is for authorisation purpose only
Und dann ein paar Seiten in der Umfrage weiter kommt folgendes:
Use of data
The usefulness of the answers given would be greatly increased if we were to know whether or not you passed the EQE papers. We therefore kindly ask for your permission to correlate at a later stage your answers with your examination results. Please note that use of this information will be restricted to a statistical evaluation only. Your name will not be tracked and your anonymity is guaranteed.
Alles total anonym, ganz sicher 😀
Bitte einfach mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Bilder klicken und „Grafik anzeigen“ wählen. Die sind teilweise etwas groß und lang.